4 Questions To Consider When Your Air Conditioner Isn't Working

Posted on: 1 September 2017
If your central air conditioning unit isn't working so well, you may want to rush out and get a new one immediately. However, there are some important questions you should consider before you make your final decision. Check out these questions that will help guide you. Is a Repair a Better Option? Before you run out and buy the newest system for your home, first consider if a repair is a better option, however, just because a repair is possible, it doesn't mean it is the best option.
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Is Your Home's HVAC System A Potential Fire Hazard?

Posted on: 18 August 2017
While an HVAC system is not typically thought of as being a potential fire hazard, there is the risk of a fire occurring if the system isn't maintained. Here are 3 reasons why your home's HVAC system could be at risk of causing a fire. Connection and Wire Insulation Problems Your HVAC system has several components that use electricity. The fan, thermostat, and condenser coils all have some sort of connection that could be problematic.
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Insulating Your Attic For Improved HVAC Efficiency

Posted on: 2 August 2017
When you have heating and/or cooling ducts running through your attic, you need to take steps to make sure that your ducts are not exposed to the outside temperature. While the temperature in your attic might not affect the temperature inside your home, it can affect the efficiency of your heating and cooling equipment.  The Problems Presented by an Uninsulated Attic When your attic heats up during the summer, it can heat up your AC ducts, and as cool air from your AC flows through heated ducts, the ducts will warm the air flowing through them.
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3 Questions To Ask Now So That Your Home Is Warm Later

Posted on: 24 July 2017
As the warm summer months begin to wind down, it becomes the perfect time to have your heating  system checked over. This is an ideal thing to do to ensure that you are all set for the cold winter season. The last thing you want to have happen is not being able to heat your home when a cold snap creeps upon you. Furnace maintenance is crucial, even when it is hot outside.
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